We are an active and motivated group at our Mission-based Church, focussing on how we can create a better environment for the whole world around us through prayer, our concerns and our ACTIONS.
We support the Comfort Zone in Blackpool, (a drop-in centre for the homeless and adults in need) by making sandwiches within our church and we provide food and clothing collections for the homeless men staying in Vincent House in Blackpool.
Action for Children is supported by regular giving.
Twice a year, in the summer and at Christmas, we have a stall in the Market Square in Poulton with crafts and puppets created by Messy Church, our Saturday church for families. This encourages good conversations with the general public and displays the work of Mission by our Church, both locally and worldwide.
Action for Children is supported by regular giving and The Church regularly supports Open Doors and Barnabas Fund both charities giving hope and aid to the persecuted church around the world.
Coffee Plus, our coffee shop provides a great place to chat and make friendships with people. It opens five mornings a week. The tips from this amounting to £150 each month go to a different designated charity eg. Motor Neurone Disease, RNLI, Air Ambulance, Parkinsons UK.
We have continued connections with Nixon Memorial Hospital Sierra Leone and Maua Hospital Kenya where we have financially supported an HPV vaccination programme for HIV positive women to prevent cervical cancer. In response to a request from Rosemary Pritchard we have raised money for a much needed well in Burkina Faso. In the last year we have held emergency collections for catastrophes such as the floods in Kerala and Mozambique.
Our Harvest collections support “ALL WE CAN” the Methodist organization for helping struggling communities across the world to gain the skills to become self-sufficient.
The Christian AID group work together in Poulton with other churches organising fundraising events for worldwide needs.
The Leprosy Mission group is active with regular giving to help repair earthquake damage in Nepal and financially supporting the opening of the New Outpatient Department at Perulia Hospital, India.
Our church groups eg. CAMEO, FOCUS and Church Fellowship routinely, through their activities, have supported various charities in the last year eg. Alzhiemers, Singing for The Brain, Mercy Ships, Brian House Children’s Hospice.
To summarise looking out to the wider world and expressing our concern, care and love in both practical and financial ACTION is core to what we do “Loving our neighbours” whoever and wherever they are.
Come and join us in ACTION 2025 if you wish, you will be most welcome !!