The work of God continues in each one of us as we seek Him in each and every day
Sunday 23rd February
10.30 am – Sunday Morning All Age Worship – Led by Rev Sarah Lamb
Please join us for refreshments following the service
- Note – Our Sunday morning services are streamed live and also available after Sunday on the Internet
- Watch live or later via this link https://youtube.com/@PoultonMethodist or simply type ‘Poulton Methodist Church’ (no speech marks needed) Into the YouTube search bar.
District Sunday Evening Zoom Services @ 7 pm
Sunday 2nd March
10.30 am – Sunday Morning Service – Led by Janet Mordike
Friday 7th March
2.00 pm – World Day of Prayer Service @ English Martyrs, Highcross Road, Poulton
An Invite from Rev Sarah
- Over this coming year, Rev Sarah invites you to join her on a journey of discovery into our Methodist identity (click the link for more info).
- All are welcome.
Are you free on Tuesday afternoons between 2.00 pm and 4.00 pm?
- Are you looking for a space to meet with others in an informal and relaxed space? Then “Golden Connections” is the place for you!
- Rev Sarah is starting a new group which will meet EVERY Tuesday 2.00 pm – 4.00 pm in the lounge
- STARTING 4th February. Each week there will be a different focus on a rolling programme including games, crafts, faith-based activities and simply a space to be.
- Why not come along and see what you think! (no booking needed, drop in when you can) £2 donation to cover costs.
Coffee Plus
Our Coffee Shop is open each weekday from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm. We are welcoming more customers. Serving those customers is dependent on the hard work of our team of Volunteers. We have vacancies for volunteer servers and volunteer dishwashers. The period of duty on a shift is generally two hours. We particularly need volunteers for Fridays.
Could you come to join our dedicated team of friendly volunteers? If so, please contact Jonathan Fail.
Tuesday 25th Feb – Golden Connections @ 2.00 – 4.00 pm in the Lounge
A simple craft to have a go at together, no competition or prizes! Come along and spend time with friends.
Thursday 27th Feb – Prayer Group @ 10.45 am in the Quiet Room
lace? What steps do we need to take and plan for to enable us to do this? If you are interested in exploring these questions and sharing ideas, please come along. Even if you can’t make the date, please pray about this, Rev Sarah would love to hear your thoughts!
Saturday, 1st Mar – Fellwalking – There will be an ‘A’ walk to Arant Haw
- Meet at Church at 8.30 am
- For details, please contact Jonathan Fail
If you have anything you wish to be included in future Newsletters please let Alan Banes know